Saturday, October 13, 2018


A friend of mine shared this story with me earlier this week, and I thought it was too good not to be shared with more people.  What this kid has already accomplished is truly amazing.  The fact that Nike has recognized it and rewarded him for it is incredible.  I know how hard he had to work his entire life for this, how difficult it is to stand up and walk to the other side of the house, to put on your shoes when your muscles spasm, the pain/discomfort/exhaustion of every step he takes, and wanting people to see you for who you are, not for having Cerebral Palsy.  His determination and will power are unbelievable. 

I don't talk much about living with Cerebral Palsy, not because it bothers me, but because it just is.  I don't know any other way of living.  It has shaped who I am throughout my entire life, just as it's shaped who my friends and family are.  They also had to work harder and deal with things I may never fully understand all because I was a part of their life. I may not have been aware that it was difficult for them to deal with a son, brother, or friend with Cerebral Palsy when I was younger, but the older I get, the more I understand their patience, sacrifice, and strength they had/have as well. 

I'm not going to lie, I cried when I watched this video.  Tears of joy for Justin, tears of pride for what I've been able to accomplish, and tears for my family and friends for supporting me while dealing with their own struggles.  I don't write this for you to feel sorry for me, or for Justin.  We are all dealing with our own struggles, and mine aren't any harder or worse than anyone else's.  To be honest, I'm not really sure why I'm writing this.  Maybe it's a bit of therapy for myself? A small way to say thank you to all those in my life that have been there for me?  Maybe it's a way to help make us aware of other people's struggles?  We all need to try to be more understanding of other people.  I know I need to work on this, but I am becoming more aware of it as well.  Maybe we just need to celebrate a win?

I was going to write something short on Facebook and share this story there, but then I realized I have the perfect platform here.  Sorry this story isn't about beer, maybe my next post will get back to that, but for now watch these videos about Justin.  Think of what he's overcome, think of what you've overcome, and think about the struggles and victories we all have on a daily basis.

Congratulations to Justin for all of his hard work, to what he has accomplished, and what he will accomplish in the future, and thank you to Nike for acknowledging and celebrating it.