Overall, I would say my first ever Iowa Craft Beer Fest was a success. I felt the Iowa Brewers Guild put on a very nice brew fest, but there is always room for improvement. First what needs to be improved. Getting inside. We had the VIP tickets, got there 15 minutes before the doors opened, and still had to walk nearly 4 blocks away from the entrance with no direction, and no semblance of order. There were a lot of people upset as there were regular ticket holders as well as VIP ticket holders in line. Luckily the line did move pretty fast and we managed to get through the gates about 10 minutes after they opened. It was a crazy free for all though, and this part really needs to be improved.
Next, the heat. I know they can't control the weather, and when it's over 90 degrees and humid there's not a lot to be done. Maybe a few tents to stand under for some shade as we sample? They did have a free cold water station, but they were pouring from uncleaned tap lines, so the water tasted like stale beer. This should be a bit embarrassing for them too.
Now don't get me wrong, other than a few minor things, the fest was well run, and was a very good time. It was great to see all those Iowa breweries showcased in one spot. Some breweries I've never heard of, some I have but haven't previously tried, and some of my old favorites all brought amazing brews to share with all.
It was also great to see everyone, working or drinking, having a good time. The workers from the breweries were friendly and informative, and the attendees were all enjoying themselves. I talked to many people that day, shared some great beers and laughs too.
Above, I found a great resting spot when I needed a break. To the right was my crew for the day. My brother in-law Chad, my father in-law Larry, his brother Gary, and his brother in-law Doug. A huge thanks to Doug and Sherri for housing us, and especially to Sherri for driving us, and putting up with all of us!
Some of my stand out beers from the day came from breweries like Single Speed, 515, Alluvial, Toppling Goliath, Pulpit Rock, Fire Trucker, Millstream, and Lion Bridge. There was so much good beer there, there is no way I could possibly name them all. This day was a ton of fun, and I would absolutely go again. Cheers to the Iowa Brewers Guild and all the fantastic Iowa breweries! Keep up the great work!!
Jared and I recorded another podcast where I talk more about the fest, vacation beers, the bacon ride, and more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_JU_mXLnEg
Follow me on Twitter: @Crinkletalk
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