Is there anything better than 1980's action movies? Rambo, Tango and Cash, Die Hard, and Tremers where all fantastically big, in your face movies from the past. Like those, Maximum Overdrive was one of those big budget, over the top, cheesy, yet highly entertaining movies that I loved to watch growing up and still thoroughly enjoy today. So when I brewed a 12.5% Double IPA, I was reminded of these big, crazy movies, so I named the beer Hopsimus Overdrive.
Here is my first glass of this behemoth. It needs a bit more time to increase the carbonation level, but overall I was thrilled with what I tasted. The sweetness of the malt was well balanced by the loads of fresh hops, and the honey and grape juice shined through without overpowering or being cloyingly sweet. This beer may actually have been better with more hops, maybe even some time aging on some oak, but that's more just nitpicking. I'm very happy with how it turned out, and expect it to get even better with a little time.
A good way to follow up such a powerful beer is with something completely different. Toppling Goliath's Rover Truck is full of roasty and chocolatey goodness. Very smooth, this brew is perfect to enjoy with some desert, and actually paired quite nicely with some peanut M&M's. Yet another quality TG beer that probably gets overshadowed by all their fantastic IPA's.
This oddly named Barrel Aged Barley Wine brewed by Backpocket is one of the best beers I've had all year. Old Bufflehead is exactly what I want in a great Barley wine. Thick, perfectly balanced sweetness and bitterness, and aged to absolute perfection in Cedar Ridge bourbon barrels, this was a great beer to enjoy while watching the Iowa Haweyes play for the Big 10 title. The higher ABV of the beer also helped ease the loss.
I hope everyone enjoys the holidays, and Santa brings you lots of great beer! Cheers!
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